Home » Dawn and Dusk at DomeC


Dawn and Dusk at DomeC

The arrival of the first sunrises and sunsets surprised us with a multitude of unexpected colors.

P1040160 - P1040162

The classic colors associated with sunset are much more intense than those we are used to.


For the first time I saw shades of pink and purple growing from the opposite side of the sunset and gradually giving way to an increasingly large slice of darkness. Obviously, this process is reversed during sunrises.


The most beautiful thing is to observe the sky separated in a large V: on one side the light colors (yellow / orange) degrade until they reach the minimum point, from which they grow stronger into dark colors (pink / purple).


Human buildings themselves interact the sunlight making charming effects with the reflections of the windows, enchanting hugs with their structure outline or heavy contrasts with their interior lighting.
